thrillshare rooms, Getting Started with Rooms?
Burlington Athletics Presents its 2nd annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser
Plains Pipeline check presentation
Roland Pederson, POE and members of Burlington High School
hello new issue of the Elks Gazette
Sterling, Trevor & Alex
Kiowa District Healthcare partners with Burlington Elks
Elks Gazette, February & March Issues
Student Council Breakaway Fundraiser. Thank you for your continued support of BPS and the Burlington Lion's Club!
What's happening in Science class?
Mylee Sims
Terry Graham, guest speaker
Becky & Haven attend State Science and Engineering Fair
Sterling Stewart pages at the Capital
Who wants Chick-Fil-A??
Welcome to the Burlington Community Fitness Center page!!!
JH Treble Choir
Breakaway Week, March 11-13, 2024. Monday: Hat Day-Wear a hat all day at school-$5. Tuesday: Movie and Popcorn-$5. Wednesday: Chick-Fil-A-$10; must order by March 8th. Thursday: 7th-12th Dodgeball Tournament, $2 a player and 5 players per team. Friday: Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament. Got questions? Contact Rachael Spears or Natalie Hill 580-431-2222. With the onset of spring, Burlington Student Council is sponsoring a week of fun activities as a fundraiser for their organization. A goal of $1400 was set by the students and half of the proceeds will be donated to the Burlington Lions Club.