The Burlington Educational Foundation is an excellent option for designating memorials for loves ones. We appreciate all of the memorials that we have received in the past.
We continue to endow $10,000 annually through Communities Foundation of Oklahoma. We receive matching funds on those investments plus a very good rate of return on the total endowment. the income from those funds can then be used annually on school projects. We currently have $243,000 endowed with CFO and our goal is to have $1,000,000 as soon as possible.
The BEF received close to $100,000 in contributions for 2012 and 2013 and followed that up with $44,000 in 2014. We appreciate your support and making the Foundation be a great partner in the education of our youth.
Tax deductible charitable donations may be sent to:
Burlington Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 17
Burlington, OK 73722