Burlington Elk

At the most recent school board meeting Burlington added some new activities.  The first activity added was sporting clays.  There will be more information to come later in the FFA classroom. Below are some dates and requirements. 

-Sporting Clays Area Competition: October 11, Fort Supply
-State Competition (Must Qualify): November 17, Arcadia
-Must have completed hunter safety course
-Signed parent permission slip required
-At least 8 hours of shooting practice to be eligible for event
-Personal shot guns not required to participate
-Students must wear eye protection and ear protection to participate

The next activity added is One Act Play. 

- One act will be ran through out Drama Department (Mr. Ofiu and Mrs. Spears)

- There will be practices before or after school, dress rehearsals for the community and will compete in OSSAA regional contests.  

Also approved was Junior High Baseball and Slow pitch softball.  More information will be given to the students on these activities in the days to come!!